

An Anarchist Programme - Errico Malatesta

Anarchy - Errico Malatesta (Malatesta Anthology)

Anarchism: What It Really Stands For - Emma Goldman

Means and Ends - Anarchopac

Revolutionary Strategy of Anarchism - Zoe Baker

Seeing Like a State - James C. Scott (Legibility)

Anarchism and the Black Revolution - Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin

Towards an Anarchism in the Philippine Archipelago - Simoun Magsalin

The Unique and Its Property - Max Stirner (Stirner's Critics)

All Things are Nothing to Me - Jacob Blumenfeld

The Minimum Definition of Intelligence - For Ourselves

Does a "Wide Gulf" Really Separate Anarchism from Marxism? - Postliterate


The Communist Manifesto & 1872 Preface - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Critique of the Gotha Programme - Karl Marx

The Civil War in France - Karl Marx

Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 - Karl Marx

Capital: Volume 1 - Karl Marx (David Harvey Follow-Along)

Marx's Concept of Man - Erich Fromm

The Reproduction of Daily Life - Fredy Perlman

How "Socialist" Can Commodity Production Really Get? - The Archeon

Revolution Against the State - Derek Sayer and Philip Corrigan

Was Marx a Materialist? - Jackie Roving

Understanding Marx's Most Important Critique of Capitalism - Postliterate


The Subjectless Rule of Capital - Tomasz Konicz

Time, Labor, and Social Domination - Moishe Postone

Critique of Moishe Postone's Concept of Labor - Robert Kurz

Mute Compulsion - Søren Mau

Toward a Dialectical Humanism - Trey Taylor

Manifesto Against Labour - Krisis Group

The Communist Manifesto is Obsolete - Norbert Trenkle

Robert Kurz and Wertkritik on the Critique of Labor - Postliterate

Why Labor is the Substance of Value - Postliterate

A Systematic Critique of Market Economies - Postliterate

Marx and the "Labor Theory of Value" - Postliterate

Polemic on Value - Postliterate [2] [3] [4] [Postliterate Archive]

On Marx, Value, and History - Moishe Postone

Youth Liberation

Childhood and the Psychological Dimension of Revolution - Ashanti Alson

Youth Liberation - (I)An-ok Ta Chai (TCS)

The Child and its Enemies - Emma Goldman

Modern Educational Reform - Voltairine de Cleyre

NO! Against Adult Supremacy - Stinney Distro

Toward the Destruction of Schooling - Jan D. Matthews

Liberty Through Education - Various Authors

Anarchism and Education - Judith Suissa

Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Paulo Freire

Theory and Resistance in Education - Henry A. Giroux

Changing Our Minds - Naomi Fisher (Audiobook)

Animal Liberation

Posthuman(ist) Education and the Banality of Violence - Nathan Snaza

Aphro-ism: Black Veganism - Aph Ko and Syl Ko

Animal Liberation and Social Revolution - Brian A. Dominick

Vegan Means Attack - Flower Bomb

Veganarchism - Joseph Parampathu

Deconstructing Myths Surrounding Veganism & People of Color - Sarambi

Unconditional Anti-Oppression - Blitz Molotov XVX

Prefigurative Politics - Paul Raekstad and Sofa Saio Gradin

Revolutionary Practice - Paul Raekstad

Animate Literacies - Nathan Snaza

Relationship Anarchy

Jealousy: Causes and a Possible Cure - Emma Goldman

Relationship Anarchy Basics - The Thinking Aro

Relationship Anarchy Manifesto - Andie Nordgren

Kill the Couple In Your Head - Ungrateful Hyenas

Infinite Relationships - Crimethinc.

Against the Couple Form - Clémence x. Clémentine

The Things People Call Love - Friedrich Nietzsche

Polyamory is Gay Marriage for Straight People - Yasmin Nair

Marriage Will Never Set Us Free - Dean Spade and Craig Willse

Refusing Compulsory Sexuality - Sherronda Brown

Process-Centered Love - Lee Shevek

Queer Nihilism

Gender Nihilism - Automatic Writing

Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto - Alyson Escalante (Critique)

Criminal Intimacy - A Gang of Criminal Queers

Against Articulation - Ausonia Calabrese

Performative Acts and Gender Constitution - Judith Butler

You Don't Need an Identity - Raymond Geuss

"Don't Call Me Queer" - Automatic Writing

On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense - Friedrich Nietzsche

The Dark Matter of the Soul - S.J.S. Hancox-Li

Radical Realism

Historical Contingency and Expectations - Raymond Geuss

Philosophy and Real Politics - Raymond Geuss

Ideal Theory as Ideology - Charles Mills

History and Illusion in Politics - Raymond Geuss

Who Needs a World View? - Raymond Geuss

Property, Legitimacy, Ideology: A Reality Check - Carlo Argenton and Enzo Rossi

Ideology Critique Without Morality - Ugur Aytac and Enzo Rossi

A World Without Why - Raymond Geuss

Conflict, Order, and Political Realism - Carlo Burelli

Outside Ethics - Raymond Geuss

Human Rights: A Very Bad Idea - Raymond Geuss

Radicalizing Realism in Political Theory - Janosch Prinz

Raymond Geuss' Radicalization of Realism - Janosch Prinz

The Idea of A Critical Theory - Raymond Geuss

Realism, Wishful Thinking, and Utopia - Raymond Geuss

All Geuss Videos Playlist - Raymond Geuss

All Geuss Audiobooks (WIP) - Kyler (me)


Recommended YouTube Playlist (messy) - Kyler (me)

Adorno's Practical Philosophy: Living Less Wrongly - Fabian Freyenhagen

The Problems of Moral Philosophy - Theodor Adorno

The Modern School Movement - Paul Avrich

The First Socialist Schism - Wolfgang Eckhardt

Authenticity, Alienation, and Privilege - Enzo Rossi

The Poverty of the "Economic Calculation Problem" - Postliterate

Theorizing Patriarchy - Sylvia Walby

The Subaltern is Fucking Speaking! - merc (@phagafaga)

Loneliness and Its Opposite - Don Kulick and Jens Rydstrom

Ideological Critique Lectures - Robert Paul Wolff

Marxism Lectures - Raymond Geuss

Nietzsche Lectures - Raymond Geuss

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